Value chain approach
BIKE adopts a value chain approach to assess four different case studies where low-ILUC risk feedstocks are grown following specific climate-positive practices

Contributing to the EU Green Deal
The deployment of low-ILUC risk biomass value chains enables practices and solutions that foster the achievement of the European Green Deal objectives.
- Green Deal target
- BIKE contribution


Sustainable biomass production and processing in Hungary – 5th BIKE open lab
On 13th June 2023, the Hungarian BIKE Partners (AKI Nonprofit Ltd. in partnership with Discovery Center Nonprofit Ltd.) organized a national BIKE Open Lab in Hungary

BIKE workshop: “Upscaling the production of low-ILUC risk biomass” at the 31st EUBCE
On the 8th of June, BIKE partners gathered in Bologna (IT) for the final project event “Upscaling the production of low-ILUC risk biomass feedstock”. The

Replication potential across Europe of selected low-ILUC risk case studies
The study In this new Deliverable, RECORD, with the support of BIKE partners, assessed the possibility of replicating the four BIKE case studies, at European