Biofuels production in alternative land
The entirety of BIKE activities revolved around the concept of low-ILUC risk biofuels (and feedstock). ILUC stands for Indirect Land Use Change, which can occur when pasture or agricultural land previously destined for food and feed markets is diverted to biofuel production. The following diagram may help to decide on the option that better suits the type of production needed to avoid ILUC.

The BIKE project assessed biophysical and economic opportunities for low ILUC risk dedicated cropped biomass produced on lands with natural constraints which are often applicable to unused, abandoned and degraded lands. Policy instruments can help to incentivize the production of biomass on unused, abandoned and degraded lands. They should be accompanied by the development of significant market opportunities to obtain realistic prices for the low ILUC biomass.
The problem is that all these types of lands are not mapped nor is statistical data available directly on their extend. BIKE produced maps for these type of lands and their characteristics.
References/links in BIKE website and others:
Elbersen, B.; Hart, K.; Koper, M.; Eupen, van M.; Keenleyside, C.; Verzandvoort, S.; Kort, K.; Cormont, A.;Klink, Giadrossi, A.; Baldock, D. (2020). Analysis of actual land availability in the EU; Trends in unused, abandoned and degraded (non) agricultural land and use for energy and other non-food crops. Wageningen 16 October 2020. Reference: ENER/C2/2018-440