On the 2nd December 2021, the final event of the MAGIC project (Marginal Lands for Growing Industrial Crops: Turning a burden into an opportunity) will take place athe the NOVA school of Science and Technology in Lisbon. This meeting, that can be attended also online, will see the participation of several distinguished guests from the European research world, deeply involved in bioenergy and bioeconomy oriented projects.
The BIKE project will participate in the meeting with two presentations from the project partners, bringing up our perspective and results achieved so far regarding the cultivation of energy crops in abbandoned or degraded lands. In particular,
Calliope Panoutsou (Imperial College London) will give a presentation titled “Additional feedstock from productivity increases for European biomass crop options“
Andrea Salimbeni (RECORD) will give a presentation titled “Perspectives of low ILUC risk biofuel production systems in Europe“
Below, you can find the full agenda of the meeting.
Registration available at this link.