This workshop took place in Thessaloniki in March 2023 and aimed at gathering views and results from a series of ongoing and recent Horizon 2020 and Horizon Europe projects, developing solutions to sustainably produce low ILUC risk biomass feedstock for industrial uses.
Organizers: This event is organized in Thessaloniki (Greece) as part of the activities of the BIKE project with the support of projects: MAGIC, GOLD, MIDAS, MAIL, GRACE, BECOOL, CARINA, BIO4A, CERESIS, PHY2CLIMATE, MARGINUP, FORTE.
You can download all the presentations down below and watch the specific interventions
Welcome and presentation of workshop concept (Efi Alexopoulou, CRES) [Download presentation] [Video]
R&I support on advanced biofuels under WP2023-2024 (Maria Georgiadou, European Commission, DG RTD) [Download presentation] [Video]
Policy messages from the European Commission on Bio-based systems and bioeconomy (Tomasz CALIKOWSKI, European Commission) [Download presentation] [Video]
Mapping the marginal lands in Europe: The MAGIC, BIKE, GOLD & MIDAS projects (Berien Elbersen, WR, Netherlands) [Download presentation] [Video]
The MAiL Experience: Identifying Marginal Lands in Europe and strengthening their contribution potentialities in a CO2 sequestration strategy (Petros Patias, AUTH, Greece) [Video]
The BIKE project: Biofuel production at low ILUC risk for European sustainable bioeconomy (Andrea Salimbeni, RE-CORD) [Download presentation] [Video]
The GRACE project – Growing advanced industrial crops on marginal lands for biorefineries. (Andreas Kiesel, UHOH) [Download presentation] [Video]
Growing industrial crops on marginal lands and getting feedstock for biobased economy and bioenergy: the MAGIC and MIDAS projects (Efi Alexopoulou, CRES) [Download presentation] [Video]
Innovative cropping systems to produce low iLUC feedstock: the BECOOL and CARINA projects (Andrea Parenti, UNIBO, Italy) [Download presentation] [Video]
The BIO4A project – Drought resistant oil crops and biochar application in dry Mediterranean areas for SAF, soil health and carbon sequestration. (David Chiaramonti, RECORD/Polito) [Download presentation] [Video]
The CERESiS Project: ContaminatEd land Remediation through Energy crops for Soil improvement to liquid biofuel Strategies (Athanasios Rentizelas, NTUA, Greece & Richard Lord, University of Strathclyde, UK) [Download presentation] [Video]
Clean biofuel production and phytoremediation solutions from contaminated lands worldwide: The Phy2Climate project (Markus Ortner, ITS, Austria) [Download presentation] [Video]
Bridging the gap between phytoremediation and advanced biofuels production: The GOLD project (Efi Alexopoulou, CRES & Eleni G Papazoglou, AUA) [Download presentation] [Video]
Increasing bio-based industrial low-iLUC feedstock production – Mapping use cases and marginal lands in the MarginUp! project (Kristina Mjöfors, RISE, Angeliki Foutri, CluBE & Thi Huyen Trang Dam, ATB) [Video]
Growing fibre crops on contaminated lands for phytoremediation and biobased products: the Forte project (Eleni G. Papazoglou, AUA) [Download the presentation] [Video]
Images from the event